Ready for a flash back? Our Then & Now series takes a look at how far we have really come. We check out websites from the past and their current designs. Take the opportunity to compare your site to our examples… is it more then than now?
This week we are checking out a company that sets the bar pretty high for design… Apple. But, as nice and glossy as their site looks now, it didn’t always look that way. They have come along way from this screen shot that was taken in 1998 (that’s 13 years ago). I’m sure it was pretty high tech at the time, but now it’s pretty elementary in comparison to what we are used to seeing.
Check out this one from January 2011…
Much cleaner, sleeker and… yes wider, than it’s predecessor. Mac has always had a clean site, but the new one uses space smarter, and incorporates texture into the design. Mac was also still sporting it’s old rainbow logo at the time of the old screen shot, now color is reserved for their products. If you visit the Mac site frequently you will also notice, that they change out their homepage at least daily, some times more often. Check out their site today.