Your website cannot be successful if you don’t have traffic. You can have a professional looking website, post all the testimonials you want, and have a site full of products but if no one is coming to read them, then you are wasting your time. That is why it is important to think like search engines when building your website. This will help give you a better understanding of what you can do to boost your Google ranking, which is a key factor to your website’s success.
The first thing you should know is what SEO is and why it is so important to your website and to your business. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process of improving ranking in search engine results. If, for example, you owned a website about apples, you would want your site to be in the top 10 search results for apples, so it would appear on the first page of results. If your site was on page 10, you could employ SEO techniques or hire an SEO specialist to optimize your site and help you achieve better results.
There are two general kinds of optimization: On-site and off-site optimization. On-site optimization is done by making changes to your website to increase its size, content, and visibility. Off-site optimization is done by creating inbound links to your website; getting your site listed in directories, blogs, etc..
Incoming links are like referrals or recommendations and play a large role in determining how your website ranks on search engines.
Stay tuned for our next article… Thinking Like Google