Three ways a business blog improves your SEO

You may have heard of the importance of blogging to attract customers and improve sales leads, but did you know that SEO rank is also highly dependent on your blog? Here are three different ways that blogging, when done right, can improve your site’s search engine ranking.

1. Pages indexed

More content on your site means there’s more to find! More blog posts mean more pages indexed, and posting content regularly helps prove to search engines that you’re an active business and that your website is a growing resource for potential customers. Basically, more posts equals more pages, and search engines like that.

2. Search terms

Only relevant, helpful content will help in this way, but of course that’s what you were going to post on your blog anyway, right? If you think about the problems that your customers have (and search the internet for answers to), you can post blog articles that will help solve those problems. This not only gets you happy customers, but helps potential customers with those problems find you and recognize that you’re an authority in your field.

3. Social sharing

Blog posts are much more shareable than regular web pages. Who wants to share a company bio? But a how-to post that solves a common problem for homeowners or small business owners can get a lot more shares. This sharing can get much more exposure for your business; it’s like free advertising. But what does this have to do with SEO? If you regularly share your blog posts on your own social media pages, you can increase your chances of being found in search results.

These three points demonstrate how you can optimize your SEO with a well-written, helpful blog. Your customers will thank you, new customers will find you, and you may even become popular on social media!

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