In the battle of which Content Management System (CMS) to use for your website, there are many competitors. However, they all have to knock out the champion, which is still WordPress. Choices like Craft, Wix, and Drupal can all be solid choices, but when you get right down to it, the old reliable still reigns as the number one heavyweight champion of the cyber world in most scenarios — Here’s why:
- Easy Like A Sunday Morning – Yes, if Lionel Richie were creating his own website, he would probably choose WP because it is still by far the easiest to use. Certainly for anybody who is just getting started in building a website or hosting a blog, WP is still most likely the easiest way to add posts, pages, images, or whatever else you have without a steep learning curve.
- PlugInAPalooza – This one almost isn’t a fair comparison because WP has been around much longer than Drupal. Nonetheless, it offers almost double the amount of plug-ins, making it a dream to “feature-up” and give your users some real meat to chew on with your website, rather than just ongoing content. This also allows for supreme customization through unique themes and layouts. After all, it’s still customization that will create a unique look to your online presence to separate you from everything else that’s out there.
- Community Support – WP has exponentially more users worldwide than Drupal, making it very painless to find quick answers and quality solutions to any problems you may encounter when using it. One quick search on a WP community forum and you will probably have several different answers for your question in a matter of minutes. Not only that, but solid WP knowledge has its advantages in the job market as well. It’s a skill many employers look for, depending on the industry you might be looking at.
In the end, other content management systems do offer some benefits and very high-end features. Take a look for yourself if you’re curious. It’s the only really good way to find out what it can do for you. However, it’s still WordPress that offers the best total package for most users.