Most small businesses try to cut costs when they first start out. They usually start with a very simple website meant to attract clients but they don’t do much with it. They don’t even waste their time with a blog. However, that is a big mistake.
Blogging is important for the following reasons.
- Blogs bring people to your website. When people go searching for information on the web, the big search engines send them to informational blogs. If you want your website seen by many, your website needs to have blogs full of information that people are searching for.
- Blogs are relative and will be for a long time. Unlike posts on Facebook and tweets that come and go, your posts will last for years. People will still find them when they search for them even if several years have passed.
- Blogs allow you to build a relationship with your readers. If you allow comments and reply to them, you will start to build relationships with your readers. This builds trust so when the time comes to buy products, your readers will already be comfortable with you and your products.
Blogging is important, though many small business owners just start their website and forget about it. However, if you start a blog, you could bring readers to your website today (and for many years to come). Because unlike Facebook posts and Twitter tweets, your blog posts will remain online for years. Blogging also helps you build a relationship with your readers so it is important to listen and reply to the comments.