Having a well maintained and updated blog is simply a must in today’s online world. The importance of blogging is evident in the many things that having such a blog can accomplish, and here are just three of them.
1-Establishing your business as an authority in your niche. By having an informative blog, people will start looking towards your business as a source of information, and your business can eventually become the authority in your niche. This is important, as it raises the value of your brand, which in turn increases sales.
2-Returning visitors. Constantly updating your blog with new, relevant, and up-to-date information in matters pertaining to your niche is the surest way to get people to continually return to your blog. Enthusiasts of the niche your business operates in will constantly return for the latest updates, and the more times a visitor returns, the more of a chance there is for that particular visitor to turn into a customer. People rarely buy something the first time they read about a product.
3-Email lists. When people turn to your business blog for a source of information in your industry, they may very well sign up to receive updates once or twice a week via email. These types of returning visitors have even a greater potential to become customers, as they will be constantly reminded of your valuable presence, unlike regular returning visitors, who have the potential of simply getting caught up with their lives and forgetting about your business.