Tactical vs Strategic
This concept has been a life changer for me. Like most business owners it is easy to get caught up in the tactical side of running your business every day, and forget about the strategy. We are all guilty of it, but some of us more so than others. Take a step back and examine what it is you are doing for your business everyday. Are there projects you could hire someone to handle, either because they are low-level tasks, or because they are too complex or require more research and skill than you have time and energy for. Moving your day-to-day work from tactical to strategic allows you to truly lead your business.
What is tactical work for you? This largely depends on what stage you are in your business. It might mean going from trimming trees to hiring someone to do it. Or it could be the difference between managing the tree trimming, and telling the manager which trees to trim. Positioning yourself in the most effective role in your company is vital to your small business’s growth.