The absolute driving force behind Facebook effectiveness is its advertising platform. Facebook success is dependent on the more than 2 million active advertisers from around the world that advertise on its platform.
The sad part is that most marketing advertisers have no clue as to how to correctly set up a profitable Facebook ad campaign.
If you center your message for you and your product or service, you can expect a low volume of visitors, click-throughs, or conversions. But if your message is about how your product or service can improve a viewers lifestyle, you’ve won half the battle. When writing content, think of who you are writing to before you compose a single word.
Perhaps you’ve tried Facebook Ads in the past with little to no success, blamed it on the platform, and went back to spending $50 per click with Google Ads. Which is a great platform, but expensive.
The following 10 points should offer some guidance on setting up a viable and effective Facebook ad campaign.
Opening Headline
- Write a headline that speaks directly to your viewer. You want the reader to get the sense that you are speaking directly to them. Use the word YOU somewhere in the heading.
- Be confident and controversial. State explicitly why your reader should be paying attention to anything you have to say.
- Write your headline for one type of buyer persona. Know who your ad is targeting and write for that audience. Don’t try to be everything to everybody. As you design your ad, note that there are several different demographic options that will help you define your target market.
Open Loop Scrolling and Ad Congruency
- Allowing text to run off the bottom of the page creates a certain amount of curiosity and encourages readers to keep scrolling. Readers will automatically want to what follows. This will encourage viewers to scroll up so they can finish reading your ad copy. This is known as open loop scrolling. Include the exact same copy of your landing page after the ad copy. This is known as ad congruency and because of its consistency produces more opt-ins and conversions.
- If you include a picture of yourself or someone else be sure to look directly into the camera with a big smile on your face. Again, it is in the personalization of the ad that will motivate the viewer to click-through. Ads that included pictures with a live human being consistently produced better test results than ads that did not.
- White is the chosen background for images that work to show off your product or service. Think white background and evenly space those irresistible life-improving items for your readers to view.
- Be clear, concise, honest, and open. Explain to your readers what their expected outcome will be if they click on your ad. Be careful to review Facebook text guidelines for ads which is currently at 20% of the ad image.
Expected Outcome
- Be sure to include an image of whatever it is you are promising to give in exchange for their email address. Be it a free report, e-book, coupon, webinar, podcast, or whatever it is, be sure to include a picture or clear description of what you are sending. This image should be present on your landing page also and should help to divert landing page bounces.
Build Trust
- In Facebook ads, users are able to change the URL link to reflect your brand and website. This link produces trust and confidence that you are who you say you are and not just another scammer.
Call To Action
- Finally, design a well-defined CTA, one that is as irresistible as the magical potions Alice drank once she was down the rabbit hole. Tell your reader what you want them to do and how it will eliminate one or more of their particular pain points. Readers are reading your ad because when they began their search, they found you were recognized as one of many who could solve a problem or enhance their life in some way. Remember you may not be the only one offering what you have to sell and, so you are going to have to find a way to do it better than your competitors.
For whatever reason where you find it nearly impossible to spend the time needed to set up and monitor another set of metrics, know that help is available. If you’re looking to increase brand awareness, increase conversions, and to increase your overarching digital presence, then contact us today! We look forward to working with you.
To learn more about how to improve your marketing strategies, give us a call at 661-702-1310!