Is email marketing still relevant? If email’s detractors are correct, the medium should be all but dead by now. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. According to the numbers, quite the opposite is happening. While social media certainly has its place, it’s not the email-killer that some once believed. Forget the anti-email crowd, email marketing actually has one of the returns on investment of any marketing medium.
Here’s a few stats to keep in mind as you weigh the value of an email marketing campaign:
- Email has an average ROI of 38 to 1. That’s not a stat to scoff at. For every $1 spent on email marketing, organizations are seeing (on average) a return of $38. That’s a higher ROI than any other digital marketing channel.
- 72% of consumers say they prefer that companies communicate with them through email. In the survey that produced this statistic, email was the most preferred channel for communication by consumers. Social media was actually number six on the list with less than 20% of consumers preferring it as a communication channel.
- 91% of US consumers say they actually like getting email from organizations they do business with. This is great news if you have an email list. And should be great motivation for anyone who doesn’t. According to this bit of data, your customers actually want to hear from you.
For business owners and marketers this data is great news. Email may not be a magic bullet for success, but it is one of the most profitable forms of marketing out there. And, given that it’s been around since the 90s, will likely continue its profitably for years to come.
Are you taking advantage of the power of email?