As a small business owner, retaining loyal customers and bringing in new ones can sometimes feel like a daunting task. Customers are the lifeblood of your business and without them, you won’t experience the kind of success you are looking for. Having a solid marketing strategy and making sure to devote time to this crucial task each day is key to the long term health of your business!
Here are eight marketing tips and ideas for small business owners.
Market constantly. Most small business owners aggressively market their business when times are slow. Then, they get busy so they stop marketing and focus on the work at hand. The lack of markeing then leads to more slow times and the cycle starts all over. This is why you should always be marketing your business to ensure a constant flow of customers.
Network, network, and network. Though most people don’t like to network, it is essential for getting the word out about you and your business. You need to meet as many people as you can. Then, you need to start building relationships with them. This is a long term strategic approach, but if you stick with it, you will be glad you did.
Remember that marketing is all about building relationships. By building relationships with as many people as possible, you are spreading the word about you and your business. When they need something that you offer, they are more likely to think about people that they like. The same goes if someone asks their friends about something that they need. They are more likely to refer you if they know and like you.
Start email marketing. Though most people don’t understand email marketing, it can be a great way to keep in contact with your customers and help you find new ones. By starting a list and giving your customers quality content that they want to share, you can steadily grow your business over time.
Don’t be afraid to spend money on online advertising. Many business owners shy away from online advertising due to limited budgets. However, online ads are one of the cheapest forms of advertising compared to print media. Most of the time you only have to pay when someone clicks on your ad or you can target a specific area to keep your cost down. You may want to look into advertising on Google, Facebook and Twitter, and compare each service side by side to see which one will give you more bang for your buck. You might be pleased with the results that you get by spending only a few hundred dollars a month.
Give away your products or services. Getting potential customers to try your product or service can be a tricky proposition. Giving out free samples is a sure way to get your product in the hands consumers who may otherwise not have given you a second look. Once they try your product they are more likely to become customers or recommend you to a friend.
Offer coupons for new customers and as a reward for being a good customers. Many people love to try new products if they have a coupon. Giving out coupons for free or discounted goods or services is a great way to induce trial. Doing the same for existing customers shows them that you appreciate them and happy customers are more likely to come back again and again.
Hire help with your marketing. There is nothing wrong with getting a little help with your marketing efforts. A good marketing strategy takes time to craft, execute and measure. If you are a small business and want to grow your sales, you should consider hiring someone with the knowledge and experience to take your business to the next level.
Being a small business owner usually means that you are responsible for many, if not all aspects of your business. If you are focusing to much on the day to day operations while neglecting your sales and marketing strategy you will eventually run into trouble. You could have the greatest product or service, but if nobody knows about it, it won’t do your business any good. For this reason, you should always be marketing and networking, both online and off. If you focus on building relationships and getting your message out to potential customers, you will be much more successful!
To learn more about how to improve your marketing strategies, give us a call or send us a note today at Small Dog Creative 661-702-1310!