Nowadays, the customer journey often begins on social media. It may also begin with a recommendation made in person. Or it might start with one of several outbound methods: TV ads, print ads, internet ads, email marketing etc.
But just because a customer has begun their journey doesn’t mean that they’re going to call you and buy your product or avail themselves of your service. Someone might have heard about your product or service but they need to be sure that it’s going to add value to their life first. And it’s up to you to convince them that it will.
Provide Information via Your Website
If knowledge is power, then it’s up to you to empower your customer by giving them the knowledge they want and need. You can begin by setting up a website that provides the customer with an overview of what you’re offering. What are the different features of your product? What types of services do you provide? What are your prices? This is all basic information that the customer needs to have before investing in what you’re offering.
Avoid Information Overload
Remember that a website doesn’t have to be chock full of pages and pages of information in order to be successful. In fact, it’s much better to write in a way that your customer will be able to take in at one go. This means writing in bite-sized chunks and spreading the information over various tabs. Don’t give your customer a chance to get bored; keep them wanting more.
Organize Your Content
Organization is as important as the quality of your content when it comes to writing for the internet. This is why many writers write listicles or articles filled with subheadings or bullet points. This may not be the way that traditional essays are written but it’s the way that works for the internet-savvy customer.
The Advantages of Starting a Blog
A well-organized, well-designed website is a must for any customer journey to continue. Plus, you might also want to have a blog which enables you to add more information on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. A blog can help to keep your website fresh and up-to-date. It can also help you to be found by search engines because it introduces new keywords linked to your name. You just need to make sure that your blog covers a variety of related topics and doesn’t repeat the same type of content over and over.
Ensure Customer Satisfaction
Remember that the customer journey doesn’t end with a sale. Even after the customer has used your service, it helps to keep in touch with them to find out how they would rate you. Are they having any problem with the product/service you provided? If not, that’s great. But if they are, then it’s always a good idea to change your business strategy based on customer feedback.
Know Your Customer
A good entrepreneur is someone who knows their customer well. And this type of knowledge can be gained by spending many years working in the business. But it can also be gained through research. You can try to figure out who your customers are, what they need and what they’re looking for in terms of products/services. Once you know what people want, it’s not that hard to figure out a way to give it to them.
Keep in Touch with Your Customer
You can figure out your customers needs via their comments on social media or by keeping in touch with them on the phone or in person. The internet is a great way of gaining more information as well as providing it. Don’t make the mistake of using the internet simply as a marketing method to get your message out. Remember that the customer is also always speaking to you. Listen to them because they might have something important to say.
To learn more about how to improve your marketing strategies, give us a call at 661-702-1310!