It’s vital to share positive press about your company. After all, if you don’t spread your good news, who will?
Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn! It generates buzz and gets (or keeps) word-of-mouth going. If your business is featured in a local newspaper article, highlighted in a review, mentioned on a blog or other website, or referred to in any other positive way — talk about it! Sharing good news is a great way to show your clients and connections what you do and what your business has done for your community or industry.
Examples of Great PR Opportunities
Here are some examples of news you can spread:
-Charitable efforts your company takes part in
-Community events your company sponsored
-Recommendations on a review site or blog
-Guest posts your company wrote on others’ blogs or sites
-Your success stories
-Client success stories
-Great testimonials your clients provide
-Any award, prize, commendation, or mention
-Press in papers or online
Tooting Our Horn
We recently participated in VIA’s annual B2B Industry Show at the Hyatt Valencia. As a result of our networking efforts and spreading the word about who we are, we inadvertently got some great PR we’d like to share with you! Jeff Solomon of and All-American Marketing Group mentioned Small Dog Creative & our marketing strategies in this case study article and video commentary he did not too long after the event. So in the name of spreading good news, check out these great PR pieces. Thanks to Jeff Solomon for mentioning Small Dog Creative!