Email marketing is a critical way to reach customers, develop a relationship with them, and call attention to what you’re offering, whether it’s a new product or a special deal.
Some businesses neglect email marketing in favor of social media or traditional offline methods such as mass mailings. Even though other kinds of marketing channels can yield results, it isn’t advisable to overlook email marketing. As pointed out in a recent article from Business 2 Community, the vast majority of people check their emails every day, and often first thing in the morning. Many people report that emails have convinced them to make online purchases.
However, email marketing will benefit your business only if you approach it in the right way. The following are six effective email marketing tips:
1. Don’t bombard your customers with emails
In an article on “email marketing bad habits,” Marketing Tech points out how many people unsubscribe from email lists because they start getting bombarded with messages. Focus on quality over quantity, and send your emails in a timely way rather than firing them off day and night. Give customers more choices for how often they hear from you and the specific topics that would interest them.
2. Optimize for mobile devices
Many people will read your emails on mobile devices, such a smartphones and tablets. Make sure your emails are optimized for smaller screen sizes. For example, try not to use multiple columns for your email layout. Keep paragraphs short. Check that your CTA is in a prominent position, and that customers can easily tap on it (whether it’s an embedded link or a button).
3. Write compelling subject lines
The subject line will rouse people’s interest and motivate them to open the email. Or it will fail to inspire a positive reaction, prompting people to scroll past the email or delete it.
What are some of the qualities of an amazing subject line? It’s short, it isn’t misleading, and it doesn’t look like spam (no misspelled words, excessive punctuation, or blocks of letters in caps lock). It generates a sense of urgency, curiosity, and general interest. For example, it may ask a specific question (“Do you want to save $200 dollars on XYZ?”) or promise beneficial information (“10 tips for…” or “the best ways to…”). It may mention a limited-time offer (“24-hour sale begins tomorrow” or “special membership coupons enclosed”). It can show off your business personality, maybe with some wit and creativity. The subject line gives people an idea of what the email is about while immediately making them want to know more.
4. Personalize your emails
One of the traditional strengths of smaller businesses is the personal touch they give to customer interactions. You don’t want your emails to sound impersonal, addressed to a generic recipient and filled with content that’s potentially irrelevant to the customer you’re contacting.
As much as possible, give your emails a personal touch. Include the customer’s name in the greeting. Thank them for previous purchases. Reach out to them based on preferences and needs they’ve expressed to you previously. Follow up with them quickly when they contact you. Using email marketing and CRM (customer relationship management) software can help make your emails more personal and timely.
5. Always include a call-to-action (CTA)
Your emails should always have a specific purpose, something you want the customer to do. Prompt them to take an action: learn more about a product or service, receive an estimate, read a report, get a free copy of an e-book, visit your website, or take advantage of a new offer. The CTA will ideally stand out in some way, not get buried in text or among graphics.
6. Avoid emailing a sales pitch
A common mistake that businesses make with email marketing is trying to push products on customers who aren’t ready to make a purchase or aren’t even familiar with the company. Think of email marketing as a way of cultivating a relationship with customers. They don’t want you to talk at them and urge them to buy, buy, buy. They want to understand who you are and how you can benefit them. And they need to trust you before they’re willing to do business with you.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for further advice. Email marketing can yield tremendous benefits for your business, increasing sales and improving customer loyalty.