There are many great reasons to work with a marketing agency, such as the fact that they usually have a lot of experience in their field and are up to date with the latest developments in the marketing world. Most small businesses can benefit from such a business arrangement, since it’s less expensive to hire a marketing agency rather than getting a full-time marketing person.
Not only can working with a marketing agency result in more traffic to your website and hence, more customers, it can also help to develop your company image and your brand. Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you’re thinking about working with a marketing agency:
When Was the Last Time You Updated Your Website?
If you added new information to your website within the last six months, then you’re doing well. If your website hasn’t been updated in a couple of years, then it’s due for a face lift. There have been so many developments in the field of website design that a website which is two years old can look pretty outdated.
Plus, if you haven’t touched it at all, that means that you haven’t updated your address, your “about us” page or your list of products, all of which might have changed. So it’s definitely time to get in touch with a marketing agency, get a new look and provide new information.
How Many Customers Are Attracted by Your Online Presence?
Are your customers coming in because of print or TV ads that you’ve placed? Or do they come in via word of mouth or direct mail marketing? These are all valid ways of attracting customers.
However, if you’re not making use of your website, blog or social media pages in order to attract customers, then you’re missing out. These are all relatively inexpensive ways to bring in a whole new slew of customers.
So get in touch with a marketing agency and they’ll set you up with a package which enhances your online presence and increases your bottom line.
Do You Update Your Blog and Social Media Pages Regularly?
Often, businesses just set up a website, blog and social media pages but they forget to keep updating them on a regular basis. When search engines like Google crawl the web, they’re looking for new, fresh content. And you can be one of the places that provides that.
If you don’t have the time or the expertise to write blogs or post comments on social media, then get in touch with a marketing agency which will take care of your blogging and social media marketing.
Are You Updating Everything but Still Getting No Results?
Sometimes, you might have an up-to-date website, blog and social media pages. But still, you don’t see any results. There can be several reasons for this.
- Keywords: Maybe you’re not using the right keywords. Keep in mind that different keywords are trending at different times. So you have to make an effort to include trending keywords in your content. It could also be that you’re using too many keywords, in which case search engines start penalizing you.
- Subheadings: You might not be following the rules of SEO or search engine optimization. In order to do this, you have to write shorter blogs, preferably subdivided into paragraphs with subheadings. Or you can also write with bullet points and lists.
Writing for the internet is a completely different ballgame than writing for print. Working with a marketing agency is a good idea because they’re familiar with the rules of good writing for the web and will be able to optimize your website for search engines.
To learn more about how to improve your marketing strategies, give us a call at 661-702-1310!