It’s tempting to create content and then promote on as many channels as possible. Of course, you want to be everywhere and increase the odds that your ideas and message are spread to the masses. A fundamental approach of bringing your ideas to an existing marketplace may work faster and be more efficient. The strategy is utilizing the power of Facebook and its groups. We will discuss 3 ways to use Facebook Groups to propel your business:
1. Join Relevant Facebook Groups
Join as many relevant Facebook Groups and begin asking good questions and adding value in your answers to other questions. Be encouraging and supportive to others and look to provide value with no expectations. For example, if you join a large Facebook Group, your ideas get in front of a massive audience. Out of this, you will see many benefits and opportunities as you make connections and showcase your skills indirectly by your participation in Facebook Groups. Be sure to post positive comments when other group members have success. Jump in with answers to tough questions if you have ideas for solutions. Another fun idea is to post exclusive content in a particular group that is not anywhere else on the web. Let’s say you discover a new work around or idea that can help a lot of people. Share it with the group and then help others in the group without any expectations.
2. Create Your Own Facebook Group
As you build your customer base and community, creating your own Facebook Group is a powerful way to amp up engagement and create promotional opportunities. For example, if you sell craft supplies, you can create a Facebook Group that focuses on crafting tips and best practices. Then you can create a thriving community where crafters participate and come to everyday. This is a powerful social media and business asset. Additionally, you can create a paid membership group by using Facebook Groups. Offer an exclusive online membership group and use Facebook Groups to do this. Once a customer purchases access to your private group, provide then a link to it so they can join. Be sure to facilitate and actively manage the group to ensure quality conversations and to prevent spamming and overall erosion of the group.
3. Have a Facebook Group Strategy
Be sure to set aside 15-30 minutes per day to actively participate in Facebook Groups. That way you are putting in dedicated and concentrated effort at providing value to the communities that you serve. Another cool hack is to only display Facebook Group activity on your feed, so that you don’t waste time just browsing personal Facebook updates. Another interesting change, is to stop liking status updates and actually comment in the Facebook Groups you are active. Pay attention to how many posts that you “Like”, but never comment on. Take that opportunity to add a comment. You will find that it helps with engagement and is a better use of your time and effort in Facebook Groups. Finally, if you find a great thread or discussion in one of the Facebook Groups, be sure to copy it and paste it into a Google Drive document so you can utilize it later. You can use it for your own learning reference, or may be able to create discussion around it at a later time on another platform. By creating this library of great insights, you can remain a resource to potential clients and your network.
By harnessing and embracing the opportunities that Facebook Groups provide, you can supercharge your social media and get your ideas to the ends of the earth.
Please reach out to us for more Social Media strategies that can pay dividends for your business.